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TigerNation last won the day on January 17

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  1. You can tell he changed his shot selection. Defenders were giving him space for the jack up three all night. He didn’t shoot it. I rather see him inside the three.
  2. I attended todays game and we looked good overall. We definitely made the extra passes tonight and it led to good shots. Our big men were terrible though, I watched them miss easy buckets and drop easy dimes. Got bullied in the paint tonight. **Had a couple of alumni come out and they loved the $1 beer promo & the win. They plan on coming back.
  3. That’s a tough call Hampton isn’t that great either.
  4. Chatbox for the game. https://www.towsonfans.com/index.php?/chatbox/room/1-towson-fans-chatbox/
  5. I definitely remember them mentioning CAAzone. A lot of the staff are aware of this site too. Some of them have accounts here. It would definitely be nice to grow.
  6. Introducing Towson Fans 2.0. This update fixes all of our old issues: - New users can signup without getting stuck in limbo. - New chat box coming soon - Embed videos directly in posts - Over 50 new features with this new update - We will possibly update once again in July. -Less spam signups and posts We have an opportunity for growth. A lot of people don’t know about this website. Let’s get them in here!
  7. All issues should be fixed, send me a DM if you see any other errors.
  8. Good comeback, this team is super confusing but they seem to know how to get a dub. Like others have mentioned they are winning games that usually don't go our way. Good win fellas!
  9. Testing… site will possibly be up Friday. Test post…
  10. Website will be back up Saturday.
  11. Hello, I will be updating the website and we could be down for a day or two. We will be back on Saturday at the latest.
  12. I was wondering that too. Im super surprised with all of these losses. What happened?
  13. Lmao I felt that. I graduated in 2012 too.
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