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Godfather18 last won the day on September 24 2021

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  1. Why is he leaving ?
  2. So does Jared get the coach position?
  3. I never took offense to any negative feedback on AP and was hoping for a better season for these great group that they have this year. Maybe it was play calling or just plain bad luck but to all the parents on this board including myself should be super proud of your kids they left it all on the field and the main goal is to get that degree so nothing to be ashamed of. AP is finishing his degree here at TU so I’m super proud of him even though he’s not on the team anymore. Great success and future for these kids. Cheers parents.
  4. Don’t know why all the hate against me sorry for expressing my thoughts but yes it would be nice to see TU upset JMU and hurt there lost season chances.
  5. LOL come on Mat TUTiger letting out his frustration with the program lol.
  6. I’m here Blazer lol dragging my feet lol.
  7. Why don’t they just wait to announce it lol.
  8. Yikes more CAA schools thinking about jumping ship!
  9. Definitely a coach lol.
  10. I for one want better for this program and I’m going not going to bash Rob anymore because everyone already knows I feel about him a change is definitely long overdue season is pretty much done so the AD and above need to really open there eyes and see that a change is needed not just at the head coach position. A change will give a spark to this program like it did when Rob first came in as head coach for TU it’s something that needs to happen. Let’s just keep supporting the players for the reason of the season.
  11. Appreciate that you will see Adrian next year at a more than average program can’t spill the beans yet. What would bother me is if he is successful at this other school as a TU grad student TU would somehow want some kind of credit for his success lol.
  12. They would have probably won if he didn’t get hurt.
  13. Let’s see maybe not enough experience in our running system of plays. Howard has experience but looks like he hasn’t grasped the playbook fully yet and the o-line could do a better job blocking upfront for the run. Some of it is also play calling from Rob. Also Adrian would have been a great help in the run game since he has experience and ran hard and was consistent.
  14. No not this game thank god FLO Sports is such a sh$t show CAA better not renew that contract with them. Doesn’t help with exposure for any of the programs.
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