Got to give them credit for winning these games. As you said, in the past we would find ways to lose these. Not sure this style will be conducive to winning 3 in 3.
They are such a statistical anomaly. score and give up 66.8 PPG. One of the worst assist teams in the country. Play at one of the slowest tempos. Rank top 20 in "luck" (Has Towson athletics ever been considered LUCKY?!) One of the worst shooting teams (from the line and at 2') in the country. Average #'s in defense. One of the worst teams in the country at getting fouled. Very good at not turning the ball over (but playing slow and ISO ball aids that). Most interesting number is we allow 33 points in the second half of games, which is 13th in the COUNTRY. They also score 3.5 points more in the second half to first half, which shows adjustments are being made.
Just a very odd team statistically wise.