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Everything posted by TuTigers2012

  1. TuTigers2012

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    You are assuming the CAA has a PR team. 5 years?! No one gets that’s kind of extension with such a poor track record, unless you are at Towson. And even here, it’s likely 4 years and a vesting option for a life team deal. League is a joke. All sports have gotten way worse under his watch. We deserve this for not being proactive and trying to compete in the wrong sports and are thus stuck here with the likes of Hampton. Nc an and t Campbell Bryant. 🤮 Don’t the ADs approve this (like a commissioner in pro sports?! If so they also need to be held accountable. There’s knelt three things CAA fans can agree one, flo blows, Joey sucks and skerry is a choke artist.
  2. TuTigers2012

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    UGH CAA Commissioner Joe D'Antonio Receives Five-Year Contract Extension - Coastal Athletic Association (CAA Sports)
  3. TuTigers2012

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    This. Wish more teams did MTE’s at home and alternate for 3/4 years dependent on numbers. Host Get home games. Visiting teams get a road game and 1/2 neutral. Etc
  4. TuTigers2012

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    Alternate every three years with goucher, Arcadia and CCBC Essex. Gotta inflate that “record”
  5. TuTigers2012

    2026 Offers and Commits

  6. TuTigers2012

    First Summer practice update

    I guess you can’t swear on here, got blanked out 😂
  7. TuTigers2012

    First Summer practice update

    Thought the same. His he trying to have his “******ers in his Boston accent drowned out?
  8. TuTigers2012

    First Summer practice update

    Having the most returning minutes is huge. There are some guys who are older and played a good bit of basketball, can they really get any better? Hicks, seems like a great kid and teammate, but he is always injured (not all his fault), and concussions are tough to come back from. I am expecting minimal if anything from him. If Lowery shoots 32 and 64%, I will build a statue next to the tiger at the front entrance for SECU! He is such a wild card and can change games with other skills and attributes, but if he can be just a semi threat to score, that would be huge. Glad to hear we are going positionless and will push the tempt (though I will believe it when I see it). I spit out my second cup of coffee reading this! There is no doubt that it is more difficult to schedule; with our past 18-20 win seasons, but also the increase in conference games by the Power (Whatever number are left) conferences. Ideally we need to do: 4 home games against real (not non d1s) teams. With 1 being local 4 true road games. 1-2 against the big boys to be paid, and 1 local to save on traveling, 1 solid MM. 3 neutral site in a MTE setting. Obviously would like it to be similar quality teams. (Ie Myrtle Beach Invitational, always have a solid MM/Low High Major Field) Some of it is reluctance or not being transparent by the program. A Top 25 team will pay us to come to their place and lose.
  9. TuTigers2012

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    Happy for you. As someone who does a lot amount road trips in the eastern time zone, enjoy it. Don’t get mad when see choke it away late with skerrys late game “coaching”
  10. So we finished in first and with ~ x2 the amount of points as the next CAA program?????????
  11. TuTigers2012

    Facilities comparison with the CAA

    Remove the website portion of your statement and that also rings true.
  12. TuTigers2012

    2023 Volleyball thread

    Towson athletics scheduling weak, accompanied by being on flo, that no one can watch, and the big name teams leaving the league… no bueno
  13. TuTigers2012

    TU Baseball Disaster

    Not Towson baseball related, but the CAA only got 1 bid, the auto, to the NCAA Baseball Tournament.
  14. TuTigers2012

    2024 General Football Thread

    Meant pay not pat, but yikes!
  15. TuTigers2012

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    CAA Transfers and their new schools... quite the list.. Ben Burnham- Virginia Tech Kobe Rodgers- Louisville Reyne Smith- Louisville James Scott- Louisville Jyare Davis- Syracuse Jaquan Carlos- Syracuse Jerry Deng- Florida State Nikita Konstantynovskyi- Notre Dame Amari Williams- Kentucky Darlinstone Dubar- Tennessee Kennan Fitzmorris- Northwestern Anthony Dell'Orso- Arizona Trazarien White- TCU Gerald Drumgoole Jr- George Washington Justin Moore- Loyola Chicago Zion Bethea- Pepperdine
  16. TuTigers2012

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    He was a very good D2 player. His lack of size didn't allow him to bully people at our level.
  17. TuTigers2012

    Zoom Meeting on 5/22

    Hopefully a coach that can come through in March 😂
  18. TuTigers2012

    2024 General Football Thread

    So two pat games in 2030??
  19. TuTigers2012

    TU Baseball Disaster

    Looks like our hoops team a few years ago.
  20. TuTigers2012

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    Ok and? The top schools will get good players and other schools good players in the portal. This has been happening for a few years now. No other team in the league returns as many key players and coaching staff (not saying that’s a good thing) as us. They should get credit for keeping Tejada and Williamson but are stuck with some ok and some bad players. Continuity should win someone games until March that it
  21. TuTigers2012

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    Lol. He’s also used to stacking those wins against non d1s, which do not count
  22. TuTigers2012

    2024 General Football Thread

    LOL! Plan?! What plan?! Will the last team in the CAA (Likely us), turn the lights off?
  23. TuTigers2012

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    The first two had to play due to Injury. Not saying they wouldn’t have anyway but. Again I’ll believe it when I see it (like with Tejada) Yup, they do. caa will be a PIG special when cougars leave
  24. TuTigers2012

    2024 General Football Thread

    There’s only one man who can save the CAA!
  25. TuTigers2012

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    Unless skerry is really turning over a new leaf, I wouldn’t expect the freshmen to start atleast not for a while. I don’t think this is a good pick up at all but he’s not replacing a star. (Yes he was a leader and had intangibles etc) but if he can average 6-7 points and 6 rebounds, block a few shots here and there and defend and hedge. It’s fine

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