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Everything posted by TuTigers2012

  1. TuTigers2012

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    If you watched, looked to be everyone. Deer in a headlight look for everyone on Towson's side. It almost seemed as a "Shit we shouldn't be in this position and we didn't plan for it! What now?!" Stall ball, not attacking or even getting shots off, airballing a shot, Charles picking up the 5th foul, all proved detrimental. To be fair, Charleston made some winning plays at the end. It wasn't just us throwing up all over ourselves, but a large portion of it was.
  2. TuTigers2012

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    Up 7 with 3:30 left and the ball... 😣
  3. TuTigers2012

    Close Game Losses/Other Numbers

    Same. camelo thimble went to the line like 27 times the second half. Stripes weren’t letting us leave with a win Lady selling beer at the cart said “you’ll need a lot of these today” and chuckled looking at my hoodie and hat. Went back right before half and she looked like she saw a ghost
  4. TuTigers2012

    Close Game Losses/Other Numbers

    Kid has been in more championship games in the last 370 days than we have in 30 years...
  5. TuTigers2012

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    Looks like Pure Raw Juice, is now sponsoring some of the men's and women's players.
  6. Yeah, If we ever get to a final it’ll probably 5+ hours away and not allow for anyone to show. Shame we have laid egg over egg in these tournaments close to home He won’t. Why would he? Zero motivation
  7. TuTigers2012

    TU Baseball Disaster

    It’s sad. As a baseball fan, wish we had a decent team. Would be more fun and give better notoriety than other spring sports
  8. TuTigers2012

    Stony Brook in the finals

    Will wade is about to bring 3 different schools to the dance in 8 years. Skerry hasn’t taken us to a final in 13!
  9. TuTigers2012

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    Need those businesses. Hunt valley bagels (much better than the things Thb calls bagels) is an alum. The Bricks are Can we get some money there? How about our friend Fran?
  10. TuTigers2012

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    Jerry deng out of Hampton is in the portal. I’d offer. We can poach all the HBCUS! first Watson than tarke (ugh). or Jacob crews out of UT Martin. Maybe Holden can help us? Definitely their best player since cam. (More or not we would have not shot)
  11. TuTigers2012

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    Or we can try and go route of ole miss football and go all in one year and use all the money there. Obviously we would save up until pat “no big wins” skerry is gone. That would entice a coach too. We could be 31-2 with all 5 starters on first team all conference and we still would not win the league with that little man roaming the sidelines.
  12. TuTigers2012

    General MBB 2023-24 thread

    It is standard everywhere but here. Unbelievable. What a joke of a university. Steve and co, why was the last extension given last season?! Why was it hush hush?! . 564 winning % and just one losing season?!
  13. TuTigers2012

    Stony Brook in the finals

    This just makes me sad
  14. TuTigers2012

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    If Kelsey comes with one or more of those types of players than yes I’ll take some at tigers arena 😂
  15. TuTigers2012

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    Pause. Lol. Come on a gully who averages 3 offensive rebounds per 40 minutes and shoots 55% from the line?! That’s right up our alley! In all seriousness, he really is our type of player! Suliman Sylla and jones 2.0. We know his shooting % will only go down in the black and gold. again this NIL crap, every school out there isn’t offering up thousands of dollars. If we can’t “afford” a player now, they likely weren’t coming to Towson anyway. let’s just fill the roster with jucos and d2 players and throw in the towel until 2027 comes. Any money donors are giving should be towards a buy out not new players that this staff can screw up
  16. TuTigers2012

    Evaluation of the postseason

    You can play and win a style where individual stats aren’t great, especially at the mid major level (see our opponent last night) but when you either hold the ball and not get a shot or have a selfish guard go 1 on 3 and air ball numerous layups and brick 27 footers it’s tough
  17. The three you mentioned and I’d take Suliman. But of those 4, two are starters, the rest are role Players Hard no! NIL had nothing to do with last night. That’s a fucking excuse that people are going to use, and maybe a few seasons now it will be one but Jesus F Christ. Besides Charleston, no one is rolling in the dough. 750 bucks to go to an and t or 500 to Towson, it’s not like we are competing with duke, unc Kansas. Sheesh. And Delaware fans want ingelsby gone. And have for a bit. Huskies fans are begging for coen to be gone. Until 4 weeks ago Drexel fans were questioning spiker. But here at Towson we have an idiotic philosophy to hand out extensions like candy and we are left being passed by schools who hav me rebuilt and passed us again numerous times Yup. It’s like we are scared to make a change on something that isn’t working or hasn’t worked. Yup. But it’s easier to find an excuse for their man skerry. My profile photo. wonder where 24 is?
  18. Yup. Seems like a nice kid and a decent role player. Just not a guy for the moment, nothing wrong with that. But it’s not like he’s a 90% shooter from the line and that it was to tie the game. Feel bad for him on that one. Expectations were for him to be Timberlake 2.0. Which wasn’t realistic nor do fans (atleast the smart ones) would want that
  19. You’ll be waiting a long time! I do like Williamson and think under a competent coach, would become that. But he’s at Towson, atleast for now
  20. He’s a ridiculous homer and well some other things but I’ll be nice and bite my tongue. Our entire broadcast is well bush league, but I guess that’s what we just accept at Towson ! Not blaming that on May. If we are pinning blame on a player we all know who it is… tough as usual the blame should go to the staff. Awful late game execution. Agree on May, maybe he can ask Suliman about IU Pennsylvania? Some schools where the pressure isn’t high. Or a school where he can be the 6th option 2035 more likely
  21. TuTigers2012

    General MBB 2023-24 thread

    Samford has a coach in his 4th year, was a hs coach prior, just won the socon tourney along with back to back regular season titles. Oh he also had a shitty first year but was able to win
  22. Sorry for you especially to feel that way. You’ll change your tune in a day or two, mr positivity. you had to listen to spiro? And with that loss? That sounds like torture. Granted he is slightly better than Pete Gillan and bother are better than Smokey pastos but still three of the worst out there!
  23. But but but, 3 straight 19 win or mores seasons! Isn’t that something?! Some arbitrary number they pick to support their side. how about this, 13 straight seasons without making the final (I know more but just under the little shrill man).
  24. But nothing was asked why he didn’t run any sets in the last 4 minutes? Or why they didn’t go inside? It’s nice he yammered on about Charles who was a good ambassador to the school and decent player for 5 years but we want answers to real f*cking questions. If there ever was a player that represented Towson basketball it is Charles Thompson. Physical, tried hard most of the time, not highly skilled. Not highly coordinated, nice guy with no mean streak (until last 1.5 months) and unable to come through in thr clutch
  25. It’s horrible coaching strategy that’s plagued Towson for close to 20 years. PK and skerry love(d) running stall ball, way to early. cue the excuses but this program is done until skerry is let go. My season tickets will not be renewed. Won’t travel to away games anymore. I’m not even mad about this one, it was expected. I’m numb. Hopefully this new president takes a long hard look at Towson “athletics”. it shouldn’t be a charity case where you automatically get lifetime contracts.

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