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Everything posted by TuTigers2012

  1. That fumble every other handoff Rinse wash repeat. Same thing every year. If Steve had balls (he doesnt). A change would be made. Longest tenured coach to never make a conf final
  2. TuTigers2012

    When is enough, enough?

    Fall to 6-7 against a below average schedule. Hold a team at home to 51 points (most in the last 3 minutes) and 1-15 from three and still lose by 4 possessions?! Knew this team would struggle to score 55 but 35?! Year fucking 13 and we are getting beat by new teams in the league. What are the excuses? Love to hear them. Hicks? Sure his 2.2 points really helps. Conway? Wouldn’t have Tarke then. “Just wait for Tarke”. A bad offense player in a bad league. Shit, he really helps, NOT. Our offense may be worse with him out there. This crap shouldn’t be and isn’t accepted by a young coach new to a job. Not an older coach in his THIRTEENTH year with numerous 4th and 5th year players. Everyone regresses under skerry! FIRE PAT!!
  3. TuTigers2012

    When is enough, enough?

    Bump. Nice “run” year 13 more is expected. The absolute choke job his teams have are indicative of the leader. Is it 2027?!
  4. TuTigers2012

    2025 Offers and Commits

    It’s better than “University of Townson”
  5. TuTigers2012

    Charleston III Preview

    We obviously won’t play as well as we did down there in January and hopefully they don’t play like they did two weeks ago. Think this one is somewhere in the middle. Line opener at 3.5 and has grown to 6/6.5. Tigers staying out of trouble is key, if refs call it tight, that favors Charleston since they go two deep at every position.
  6. Hahah. Is someone spiking his water before the game??!
  7. TuTigers2012

    General MBB 2023-24 thread

    You can win in your first year?! That’s news’
  8. Got to beat Charleston to get to 20 and hang that 20 win banner that you all love so much! I’ll be at Secu tomorrow before sun rises to help facilities with that, If the upset is pulled!
  9. It’s a moot conversation and one we shouldn’t be having with this coach. If feel like Steve is happy like Tim, but with years left and no one kicking down the door for his services, just let it ride. Can he finally win a big game at towson tomorrow? Will need more on court time from Charles, that Russian kid will eat Paar alive
  10. That would help our chances
  11. Agree but we are stuck with him for 3 more years? Maybe, More? So let’s enjoy winning two straight (even if every other school has done that) for the first time since 2009. There’s so much that can and should be criticized. There’s time for that after Charleston blows us our tomorrow but for now we celebrate! F UNCW! I credit him with make adjustments in the lineup today. The stall ball almost bit us in the ass again
  12. We can talk when the line comes out haha
  13. Haha. Are you holding all 5 of their starters hostage?
  14. Just do us a favor.. book refundable hotels and flights 😂
  15. 2012 has no complaints with Towson or skerry on this one. Finally won two in a row! Can we make it 3?! Probably not. Charleston is a machine and has the best 7-8 players on their team and rested and healthy (sheesh I sound like almost all our other posters here)as well we a much better coaching staff. But let’s show some fight and punch them in the face tomorrow. Sprained ankles, hits to the groin, questionable fouls, we faced that all day today. Quite a resolve by the freshmen. Love the fight they had and that last second dunk attempt by lowery. This was the first time in a while “Towson tough and Towson vs everyone” showed up. That team punched back today and it was nice to see. Some of the oldies here hate Delaware and Drexel, for me it was Jmu until they left for greener pasturers, but my dislike for uncw, their coaches, their players and especially their fan base has been second to none. This was a satisfying win.
  16. To do something he’s never done before, and only once in school history , win back to back game a
  17. Yes but so is Pat. Benching/suspension or whatever you want to call it was warranted
  18. First off big congrats to skerry for gettin his 200th win at Towson today. Nice round number. Also with todays win, ties Pat Kennedy (only two with wins) for the most CAAT wins, with…5. Hopefully they aren’t celebrating to late tonight as tomorrow is going to take a near perfect game. Suliman and Williamson played well today. May and tarke can’t shoot but did play very good defensively in the second half. Gotta give Coleman props for giving us a few serviceable minutes in the first half
  19. TuTigers2012

    CAA Tournament Preview

    Haha tell Brandon Scott to put a bid in then. Unless it’s in the Carolina’s there won’t be a crowd like the udel wm final in Baltimore. Two of thr top 3 seeds and two closest fan bases to bmore
  20. TuTigers2012

    CAA Tournament Preview

    🤷‍♂️ It’s a decent crowd based off past here. But 20 bucks to park is steep. Arena size is perfect. But just nothing else’s around
  21. TuTigers2012

    CAA Tournament Preview

    Well our game hasn’t started obviously but There is good 200 hawks fans here along with their baseball team
  22. TuTigers2012

    CAA Tournament Preview

    64-45 tribe
  23. TuTigers2012

    CAA Tournament Preview

    The 8 seed hawks have a louder and better showing crowd than we will..
  24. TuTigers2012

    2023-24 WBB Thread

    It counts for other teams but not for us? Is there a reason why?
  25. TuTigers2012

    General MBB 2023-24 thread

    Tim Leonard lays the hammer in Carbondale and fires a very young coach (who happened to be one of the best players in their program), coming off 3 straight winning seasons With a 23 win campaign last season. Sheesh. But here he just extended a coach nonstop

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