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TSU88 last won the day on May 12

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  1. TSU88

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    How far is this from S.F.?
  2. TSU88

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    What is the NBL1? I’m no expert, but this guy was a marginal D1 player, regardless of what he’s doing now. The real problem here lies with whoever on our staff vetted this guy, and Skerry then stamping his seal of approval on signing him
  3. TSU88

    TU Baseball Disaster

    Things could be worse…below is this season’s record for the UMES baseball team
  4. TSU88

    2024 General Football Thread

    CAA football has pretty much lost all its cachet, with Delaware, JMU, Richmond all gone, and Nova perhaps soon to follow. Who are the flagship programs now? UNH & W&M? And who are they going to bring in to replace the Spiders and maybe soon Nova? Let’s face it, CAA basketball is a C of C departure away from being relegated to near obscurity. Still puzzled why they haven’t bolted yet, other than relishing being a big fish in a small pond. From the outside looking in, I don’t sense we’re being proactive, but instead are just sitting on the park bench watching the world pass us by. Maybe there’s a master plan, but I’m highly skeptical.
  5. TSU88

    2024 General Football Thread

    I’ll take my chances with this guy, over our current fearless leader. Oh yeah!!!
  6. TSU88

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    DWill, Lowery and Tejada all played significant minutes last season. While I have no idea if Ndefo will follow suit this season, the expectation is for Embeya to be a plug and play, from day 1.
  7. TSU88

    General Basketball Thread for 2024-25

    I think it’s important to keep in perspective what the expectations are of this kid. Realistically, his role is going to be to backup Embaya. If the incoming freshman is as advertised, Samb is maybe going to play around 15mpg. Anyone expecting him to come in an avg double digits is probably in for a disappointment. Time for a reality check…the days of us bringing in a double digit D1 scorer through the portal (like Cam Holden) are over, absent an infusion of NIL money. The new formula is going to have to be hit on the freshman recruits and dumpster diving in the portal. Of course, if we do hit on a freshman, it’s highly debatable he’ll stay with us for more than 2 seasons, maximum. Sorry, but welcome to the post-NIL landscape for schools who are cash strapped as far as NIL funding goes
  8. TSU88

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    I don’t care how many games the team won. I care whether he can be a serviceable rotation guy, backing up our highly touted incoming freshman big. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less
  9. TSU88

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    I’ll take this guy over the other guy every day of the week, and twice on Sunday. This guy isn’t Kareem or Wilt, nor, as a backup, does he have to be. By my way of thinking, just replacing the other guy is addition by subtraction
  10. TSU88

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    If Embeya is as good as advertised, Samb isn’t a bad pickup, as Embeya’s backup. On paper he appears to be an upgrade over the player who’s roster spot he’s taking
  11. TSU88

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    I can’t disclose specifics other than to say that is the strong impression I got
  12. TSU88

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    I wish him the best in his future endeavors, but it was time for him to move on. He’s been in college, between here and GW, like 5 years. As interesting as it is that he’s departing is that he apparently intends to play yet another season, somewhere, as opposed to closing this chapter of his life and getting on with finding a job in the real world. Cant say I necessarily blame him. I would have been a career student, if it paid. Now the question becomes who will we bring in to fill his position. With the only big at the moment being the incoming freshman, it’s imperative we bring in another big. Also, will there be any other portal departures? I kind of doubt it, but we’ll see
  13. TSU88

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    I think many of us will follow his season at Coastal with great interest. If for instance he has a good season (by which I generally mean averaging in double digits) this coaching staff should be (but won’t be) held accountable for why they jettisoned him and kept certain other players on the roster.
  14. TSU88

    2024-25 Transfer Thread

    If you require any more proof that NIL has basically killed mid major basketball, of the 15 top CAA players last season, based on 1st, 2nd and 3rd team all conference selections, 10 of them were eligible to return & play this upcoming season. 9 of the 10 entered the portal. And the one who did return, entered the portal then withdrew. While concededly not a math major, that’s 90% who bolted. So, what we have here is a perpetual hampster on the spinning wheel, where mid majors who have successful years will have to rebuild every year. That includes mid majors who bring in successful portal players, as they either only have 1 year of eligibility, or, if they have more than one year, they’ll kick their existing school to the curb, in the never ending money chase. Frankly, I wonder how these guys who go to a different school each year ever actually graduate. The other big scam is the “graduate transfer.” I’d love to see how many of those guys actually get a masters degree. I suspect the answer is very few.

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